How do I log in to Elevate?
How do I take an exam in Elevate?
What are the steps for taking an exam after an online course is completed?
The CEM candidate is responsible for choosing a current CEM or a human resource director/manager to proctor their exam. A complete list of proctors is available here. Both the candidate and proctor should agree on the exam date, time and location for the exam. The CEM candidate should then complete the online exam request form located here. The Friday before the scheduled exam date, the proctor will receive the exam password and the candidate will receive the exam instructions. The candidate has 90 days from the last day of the course to take the exam.
What if a candidate does not take the exam within 90-days?
If the candidate does not complete the exam within 90 days, IAEE will enter a score of zero into the candidate’s record. In order to take the exam after the 90-day time period, the candidate will be required pay a $25.00 administrative retake fee. The candidate will then have 30 days to complete the exam. If the candidate fails the exam or misses the exam during the thirty-day period, the candidate will be required to retake the course and the exam at full cost in order to receive credit for the course.
What happens if a candidate fails an exam?
If a CEM candidate fails an exam, IAEE will send the candidate a CEM Exam Retake Form. The candidate will have one year from the date of the failed exam to request the retake exam. The fee for the retake exam is $25.00. If the candidate fails the retake exam, they will be required to register for the course again to be eligible to take the exam again. The candidate may select another CEM course instead of retaking the failed course.
Will a candidate receive a letter regarding their CEM when they finish their ninth course and pass the exam?
Upon completion of all requirements for the CEM Learning Program, candidates will receive a letter from the CEM Commission permitting the use of the CEM designation. Please allow for a two-week delivery time after completion of the ninth course and passing the corresponding exam. IAEE will also mail a formal certificate of completion within two months of completion of the designation.
When does a candidate need to complete their requirements so they can participate in the CEM awards ceremony at the annual meeting?
There is no deadline. A candidate could potentially take their last class and exam just before Expo! Expo! and still participate in the CEM awards ceremony. Candidates who expect to complete their designation after 1 September will be asked to complete a survey on their participation in the CEM awards ceremony. Surveys will be sent out the beginning of September. They may also email cem@iaee.com to notify the CEM Program Manager.
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